Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kicking It

Due to some minor mishaps with punctuality in the workplace I am now waking up between 5 and 5:30 am each day. I am especially excited by the luxury I now have to daily test the capacity of my water heater by taking epically long hot showers. If you know me at all you are well aware that I believe that the shower is the best place to think and plan your day. There are no distractions and my bathroom became my personal sanctuary when we purchased a door handle with a lock. Usually my shower thoughts tend to run the course of topics like what direction will the next Dexter season go, if I had unlimited amounts of money at my disposal what would I do to the house, and how much body hair sucks and is it truly necessary in a modern world. I was shocked when one morning my shower thoughts tended towards the macabre and what would happen to my family and home should I die. I truly believe that the pre-shower scanning of gray hairs at my temples may have prompted this train of thought. Then I realized I was crossing the trenches of sanity and let my mind wander only to find it listing all of the things and places I want to do and see before I kick the bucket.

So, for those of you who actually read the crap I post on here and judge and love me for it, I present my bucket list which I must preface with the warning that this is mostly a places I want to go list and to prevent massive boredom I shortened it to my faves.
In no particular order I give you the following:

  • Bora Bora - those lagoon huts with the glass floors look divine.
  • Disneyland during Halloween and I will dress as Malificent (best villian ever.)
  • Hawaii- The pool at the Westin Maui looks like a great place to test the theory that if you swim after eating you'll cramp up and drown.
  • Yellowstone - I really want to see it before the underground super volcano that is Yellowstone decides to blow it.
  • Dominican Republic- I'd like to go here with Ben and see the places he lived. Maybe do some lizard fights too.
  • England- Holy crap I love English history and would love to just be surrounded by it. My nerdness would be complete.
  • Disney Cruise Line - yep. If your going to go with a kid might as well go big, right?
  • Girls road trip- 2 part - part 1 with my sister and mom, part 2 with my awesome friends.

After thinking about why my brain did mostly places to go rather than things to do I've decided that it is rather logical. Why not go places and make and store memories for my golden years because given the crap my brain comes up with in the shower I am pretty sure that I will probably be completely senile within 10 years.